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Magzter Coupon Code and Deals

Magzter Inc. is the World's largest and fastest growing self-service, cross-platform digital newsstand with over 85 million users since its inception in 2011 and thousands of magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages. Magzter is the ultimate way to browse, buy, and read content on your tablet or smartphone; whether it is Apple (iPad/iPhone/iPod) or Android (Samsung Galaxy, Motorola Xoom, Dell Streak, Google Nexus-S, etc.) or just on the web using your browser.

Find the latest Magzter Coupons, Offers & Deals below:

Get E-magazines on your tablets and mobiles in just a few taps with Magzter now. Get huge discount on Magzter Gold Annual Pack by purchasing them with the help of Coupon Codes, Promotional Deals, Discount Coupons and offers on Magzter listed at These deals are free of cost so you can avail them as many times you want. Be sure to use them when shopping online at Magzter.

How to use Magzter Coupons:

Once you've chosen the right coupon or offer, use these steps to redeem your coupon code:
1. Click on "Get Code" or "Get Deal" button and go to the offer page
2. When you've finished your product selection click on “Buy now” to update the shopping bag.
3. Continue until you have everything you want in your shopping bag.
4. Copy the Coupon Code mentioned on website
5. Go to the payment page.
6. Enter your Coupon Code and Click “Apply code”, and watch your price shrink!
7. Checkout and you've completed your discount purchase. Enjoy!

Magzter Coupons, Offers & Promo Codes For The Month

Offer Category Magzter Discounts & Promo Codes Offer T&C's
Magzter Gold Annual Plan Now At Rs.999 Only 1 Year Subscription
Magzter Gold Plan Now At Rs.399 Only 1 Month Subscription
Magazines Flat 30% To 75% Off All Users
Magazine Bundles Up To 90% OFF All Users
Gold Lite 1 Year Plan Now At Just Rs.499 All Users

